Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Bah humbug...Well here I am typing again on this awesome blog that I only remember every once in awhile. I am trying to make it cooler and so far have not succeeded at all. I that somehow a reflection on me? Since I'm not cool I'm incapable of creating something coool?? That's sad...
I changed up the colors a bit and tried to add some video things, but that just made me more disappointed because I can't pick and choose what videos go up. It's pretty lame in the life of one who doesn't know how to make a neat organized fun interesting blog. All in all the stoked factor of having this little blog has immensely lowered to a meek "whoo hoo I have this thing...coool"
I will not give up though. well, I might.
But it seems I have come to the conclusion that blogs are only cool if:

1. You have a reason for one (Ex. If you are in another country and want to keep people updated or if you are an artist, like me, and want a place to show your portfolio).
2. You know how to do stuff on it (meaning knowing how to do more than just type your thoughts in a few billion posts).
3. ........ Uh, well those 2 reasons are really all I got so far.

So rather than continue to complain I might as well tell anyone reading this how the life of Em C. Hammer has been lately.
I learned that I really enjoy making silly random poems for people. Always starting out with 'Roses are red...' and then completely changing the rest into a comical yet sentimental outpour of my true feelings for them. :)
I also learned that cleaning when I am really pissed off, helps. Not only is it productive, but it somehow gets rid of all my anger and just plumb tuckers me out. Having all of my things clean now has actually improved my mood a tid bit. It seems I really like having everything all neat and tidy.
I am doing horrible in school and it is really stressing me out. I know what I should be doing...but I can't do it. I think Paul would understand me here. I want to do good...I want to go to class....I want to get my homework done...and I also want to sleep the rest of my life. It doesn't mesh well. And I can't explain it to anyone. I'm not a slacker...I promise. But life seems to be slipping out of my grasp most of the time.
I learned that I might be a Shop-oholic. Getting new stuff makes me feel better. Then it sucks when I realize how much money I have crapped away. But sometimes random purchases like a Venus Fly Traps and 150 temporary tattoos are just necessary for my well being.

Ok that's enough. I'll for sure be back for more. But for now....



neeh neh neh neh...neh neh ...neh neh Can't touch this


Nathaniel FitzGerald said...

You bought a venus fly trap???

Emma said...

Of course. I killed a chia pet...a loss I am still struggling to get over. A venus fly trap is bound to be tougher than that. Also I have always wanted one ever since I learned about them in the 3rd grade. It's a dream come true really.